Reino Unido
Aural Butchery Demo 1987:1 Screams Of Pain 1:02
2 Stench Of Mass Genocide 0:20
3 Nuclear Gore 0:49
4 Unrelenting Terror 0:14
5 Annihilation From Creation 0:22
6 Death Dust Extractor 0:10
7 Shell Shock 0:16
8 Communal Grave 0:32
9 N.M.F.W. 0:11
10 Bonded By Booze 0:46
11 Evil That Men Do 0:43
12 Frustration 0:15
13 Behind Bars 0:15
14 Painful Photograph 0:22
15 Legally Maimed 0:08
16 Disgust 0:25
17 Filth-Chain 1:43
18 Fear Factory 0:21
19 Scream Bloody Trout 0:10
20 Possessed To Rollerskate 0:34
21 S.S.A. 0:06
22 Mosh Team 0:06
23 1,000,000 Pints Of Scrumpy 0:17
24 Invasion Of The American HC Clones 0:06
25 Go Away 0:08
26 Alcohol Abuse 0:05
27 Where Legend Began 0:33
Death To Capitalist Hardcore EP 1988:28 Intro (Rapist Die) 0:15
29 War System 0:53
30 D.T.C.H.C. 0:21
31 Sacrilege (To The Scene) 0:15
32 Vac Head 0:08
33 Pesticide Death 0:12
34 Process Of Elimination 0:17
35 Trenchfoot 0:05
36 S.S.A. Pt. II 0:05
37 Satan’s Radish 0:29
38 Fungacidal Tendencies 0:05
39 R.O.T. 0:05
40 Only The Dead 0:12
41 Bomb The Whitehouse 0:28
42 Environmental Suicide 1:08
43 Broken Brains – D.Y.W.R. 0:21
44 Devoid Of Compassion 0:14
45 Go Home 0:08
46 Attack Of The English Gumby Punks 0:08
47 D.F.W.H. 0:05
48 Wehr-Crap 0:25
49 Intestinal Skipping Rope 0:10
50 Bloody Hardcore 0:12
51 Virus 0:06
52 Dissapearing Mark 0:11
53 No Room To Talk 0:21
54 Wictim Of A Stage Dive 0:35
55 I.C.I. Fuck Off And Die 1:51
56 Thrash Against Fascism 0:15
57 Backflip Splat 0:25
58 Yo Barman 0:41
59 Social Genocide 0:05
60 D.R.I. E.M.I. 0:10
61 Born Again Christian 0:13
62 Utterly Tuneless 0:56
63 M.F.N. (Money For Nobheads) 0:59
64 Lynch The Cops 0:21
65 Scream Bloody Trout 0:05
66 Life 0:15
67 Join The Army 0:08
68 The Ballad Of Billy Milano 1:03
Live Birmingham 1987:69.1 Screams Of Pain 18:18
69.2 Communal Grave
69.3 Mosh Team
69.4 Possessed To Rollerskate
69.5 Disgust
69.6 Fuck Off And Die I.C.I.
69.7 S.S.A.
69.8 Painful Photograph
69.9 Behind Bars
69.10 S.S.A.
69.11 Filth-Chain
69.12 Satan’s Radish Pt. II
69.13 S.S.A.
69.14 Evil That Men Do
69.15 Trenchfoot
69.16 Death Dust Extractor
69.17 Where Legend Began
69.18 S.S.A.
69.19 Unrelenting Terror
69.20 Alcohol Abuse
69.21 Freeform Jazz Interlude
69.22 Fear Factory
69.23 Invasion Of The American HC Clones
69.24 Twat Eyes
69.25 Go Away
69.26 An Abusive Interlude
69.27 Arrrgggghhhhhh
69.28 Fungicidal Tendencies
69.29 Stick’s Underwear
69.30 Give Me Cider Or Give Me Death
Noise Annoys Demo 1988:70 War System 0:54
71 M.F.N. (Money For Nobheads) 0:46
72 The 1 In 12 Song 0:51
73 S.S.A. 0:05
74 S.S.A. Pt 2 0:06
75 S.S.A. Pt 3 0:05
76 I.C.I. Fuck Off And Die 0:55
Poison Idea – No Handle Beer Demo 1990:77 A.A. 1:25
78 Marked For Life 1:27
79 Filth-Chain 1:39
Some Rare Bonus Tracks From Sampler LPs:80 Can You Dig It? 1:29
81 The Snowman 0:34
82 Eric Pickles Is A Fat Tory Bastard 0:22
83 Indestroy V (Live) 2:36
DownloadDeath To Capitalism Halmshaw es un trabajo recopilatorio de 83 veloces, cortas y crudas canciones y una burla panfletaria contra su ex-baterista Paul "Hammy" Halmshaw que ha pasado sus días como empresario en su compañía disquera Peaceville Records hasta el 2006 y distribuidor de drogas duras según el mismo Rich Militia, pero con estos locos uno nunca sabe. Esta recopilación contiene su primer demo, Aural Butchery (track 1-27) Death to Capitalist Hardcore (track 28-68), Live Birmingham Septiembre 12, 1987 (track 69, 30 canciones en vivo), Noise Annoys (track 70-76), Poison Idea/No Handle Beer (track 77-79), y algunas rarezas como bonus tracks sampler LPs (track 80-83). Disfruten desmadrándose sus oídos con algo de Noise Core para tu cabeza. 