martes, 22 de abril de 2008

Vx & Coprobaptised & Oneroid Blood Pressure - 3 Way Split

Brutal Death/Grind

1. VX - Abdominal Cramps (1:29)
2. VX - Trilon-83 (1:45)
3. VX - Va(CUM) Bomb (1:46)
4. VX - LSDepellin (1:43)
5. VX - VE-VG-VM (2:00)
6. Coprobaptized Cunthunter - Трутся лица об наждак (The Faces Are Rubbing Against The Emery) (0:54)
7. Coprobaptized Cunthunter - Драматургия...Летаргический сон (Dramatic Art...Lethargic Sleep) (0:36)
8. Coprobaptized Cunthunter - Los Weiter (0:41)
9. Coprobaptized Cunthunter - Всё не катится, всё уже прикатилось. К чёрту! (All Is Not Rolling, All Is Already Rolled. To Hell) (0:06)
10. Coprobaptized Cunthunter - Сквозь крюки тупые (Through The Blunt Hooks) (2:58)
11. Oneroid Blood Pressure - Starring Through The Ass And Blood (2:12)
12. Oneroid Blood Pressure - Anal Drilling (2:29)
13. Oneroid Blood Pressure - Before The Carrion (2:43)
14. Oneroid Blood Pressure - Адоподобие садоподобие (Sadomasochistic Hellfuck) (2:14)
15. Oneroid Blood Pressure - Фобия глистных инвазий (Phobia Of The Hookworms Contamination) (1:56)
16. Oneroid Blood Pressure - Where Girls Learn To Piss On Command (Cock And Ball Torture cover) (1:39)


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