1. | Putrefaction Act 1 The Legion of B. Cadaveris Mesentericus | ||
2. | Cadaverous Fauna Act 2 Death's Workers | ||
3. | The Final Judgement Act 3 Colliqiation of the Corpse and Skeletonizement | ||
4. | Necropsychopatic Exhumation | ||
5. | Boredoms to the Digestive Appartus | ||
6. | Malignant Necrosy | ||
7. | Agony of the Soul | ||
8. | Necropsychopatic Exhumation (Demo 2004) | ||
9. | Boredoms to the Digestive Appartus (Demo 2004) |
100% Pura Brutalidad Solo Para Amantes Del Brutal Death Metal
Por Si Las Dudas Aqui Esta el Line Up:
Fiore Stravino - Vocals (Necrophilism)
Marco Aromatario - guitar (Mutala, Natron, Requiem K626, Corpsefucking Art, Ad Noctem Funeriis)
Vito Laterza - bass (Natron, Penis Leech, Stench of Dismemberment)
Antonio Donadeo - Drums (Virulent Re-Shapes, Stillness Blade, Undertakers, Necrotorture, Vital Remains on Tour, Traitor (Ita))
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