sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2008

Exhumer - Bloodcurdling Tool Of Digestion - 2008

1.Putrefaction Act 1 The Legion of B. Cadaveris Mesentericus

2.Cadaverous Fauna Act 2 Death's Workers

3.The Final Judgement Act 3 Colliqiation of the Corpse and Skeletonizement

4.Necropsychopatic Exhumation

5.Boredoms to the Digestive Appartus

6.Malignant Necrosy

7.Agony of the Soul

8.Necropsychopatic Exhumation (Demo 2004)

9.Boredoms to the Digestive Appartus (Demo 2004)


100% Pura Brutalidad Solo Para Amantes Del Brutal Death Metal
Por Si Las Dudas Aqui Esta el Line Up:
Fiore Stravino - Vocals (Necrophilism)
Marco Aromatario - guitar (Mutala, Natron, Requiem K626, Corpsefucking Art, Ad Noctem Funeriis)
Vito Laterza - bass (Natron, Penis Leech, Stench of Dismemberment)
Antonio Donadeo - Drums (Virulent Re-Shapes, Stillness Blade, Undertakers, Necrotorture, Vital Remains on Tour, Traitor (Ita))

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