miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

GUT - The Cumback

2. Pimpin’ the underground
3. Jenna haze (you’re a pro)
4. Freestyle fuck-o-rama
5. Three handsome guys (rock the block)
6. Reign in bukkake
7. Let me be your sperm factory
8. Girls (just wanna have cum)
9. Drink my spit
10. Mrs. boomfuksicc
11. G.u.t. forever
12. Fuckology inc.
13. Aurora snow (you’re not bad hoe)
14. Throat job (it’s a dirty job but someone has got to do it)
15. Pussy pitch and penis punch
16. How low?
17. Choke on my rock
18. Nymphos without pants
19. Anal tambourine
20. I hate chicks (but i love pussy)
21. My boner, your dinner
22. Song for heather
23. Panzerwoman 666
24. Next level shit
25. Strap it on
26. Fruity farzzz!
27. I broke my legs at the kamasutra parade
28. The magic sound of lonley hearts
29. Catch your snatch
30. Gag school exam 1+


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